July 29, 2003


This is how I found Taylor this morning, when going to get her ready for school. What a cat-eating-the-canary expression!

Posted by Brian at 06:42 AM

July 28, 2003

Fun at Daddy's expense

This was a particularly fun afternoon. While practicing her new favorite word ("Dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah"), Taylor first took my glasses off, then tried to do the same with my lip and facial hair. The former was more successful than the latter.

Posted by Brian at 06:40 PM

July 27, 2003

Self-feeding, Chapter 1

"Mommy and Daddy feed me out of this bowl. I wonder how the bowl tastes?"

Posted by Brian at 09:37 PM

First swim lesson

Taylor went for her first swim today. She didn't like it very much - it felt nothing like her bath water. Oh well, we'll try again later.

Posted by Brian at 09:35 PM

July 22, 2003


Story time! Nothing finishes off Evening Story Time quite like eating the book we just read. Tonight's selection, Goodnight Moon seems particularly tasty.

Posted by Brian at 09:26 PM

Taylor Story

She's just recently started this - or at least, this was the first we noticed it. Sometimes when she cries and we're not 100% sure it's a hungry cry, we can show her a bottle and we know instantly whether it's a hungry cry or not. This past Sunday, she drank 6-7 oz of an 8 oz bottle and started getting whiney about 20-30 minutes later. We wondered if she wanted the rest of the bottle so Brian holds it up so she can see it but he didn't put the nipple to her mouth..just holding the bottle up so she can see it. Looking at the milk in the bottle, she reaches for the bottle and pulls the bottom to her and starts licking the bottle.

We decided she wanted the rest of it. :) She did this little trick again last night. It's just too cute. She saw what she wanted and reached for it...never mind that that wasn't the right way to get to it. She'll figure out that part in the not-too-distant future!

Posted by Elizabeth at 01:11 PM

July 18, 2003

Anatomy of a Nap

She's so cute when she's falling asleep. The funny thing about this post-dinner nap is that less than five minutes ago, she was babbling and talking up a storm ("Da da da da da da da" - I can't wait until she says that and knows what it means.)


Posted by Brian at 06:57 PM

July 15, 2003

Our Little Talker

Well, I was a little late to work this morning and it's all Taylor's fault! I was trying to feed her and she was more interested in talking to me than she was in eating. Okay, and I was more interested in listening to her than I was in leaving on time.

I heard 'da' and 'ga' and a bunch other babblings that were utterly wonderful. I looked at her and said, "You have the most beautiful voice." Then she showed me her most beautiful smile. :)

Posted by Elizabeth at 08:25 AM

July 14, 2003

Taylor Cuteness

Just a couple cute stories. First, Taylor's learning that she's mobile! She rolled from her quilt in the middle of the living room and was almost to the hallway before we picked her up and put her back on the quilt. She did the same thing yesterday evening but got herself pinned against a clothes basket. She started screaming and, since we didn't find any bites or cuts on her, we're guessing it was either that she couldn't see us or was mad she couldn't continue in the direction she wanted.

The other cute thing happened Sunday morning. She's recently started rolling to her tummy while in her crib. I heard her stirring and talking Sunday morning so went to get her. I walked in the door, and who's little eyes and head did I see poked up over the edge of the crib? Taylor's! She'd rolled to her tummy and pushed up and was looking over the edge (we've got the mattress up some and will lower it when she starts pulling up on things). Needless to say, it was a surprise! I'm used to not being able to see her until I'm beside her...not when I walk in the door!

Posted by Elizabeth at 08:34 AM

July 10, 2003

6 Month Follow Thru Clinic Appt Update

Brian took Taylor to her 6 month appointment with Dr. Knight (neuroneonatologist). Everything is looking good except her muscle tone. As far as her muscle tone goes, she's at about 4 months and that qualifies her for early intervention (in order to qualify for early intervention, she has to be at least 25% delayed in at least 1 area). They'll go out to the daycare and there are some things that the office gave us that we can do at home. They're also strongly encouraging us to be there for some of the appointments (and we plan on it!)

We've been thinking how wonderful and impressive it is that she's supporting her weight on her legs (standing in our laps or on the floor with us offering minimal support)....well, we were told today that that's a big no-no. The doctor told Brian that, right now, that's a reflex that's suppose to go away and then come back closer to when she's ready to walk Bottomline, as cute and wonderful as we think it is, we need to quit doing it and focus on balance and stomach/back muscles, essentially, sitting and crawling.

So! She's doing great on everything except muscle tone and we're about to start working on that. :) Her next appointment with Dr. Knight is January 2004. We'll be in Birmingham by then but, since she doesn't qualify for the follow-thru clinic there, we have to drive back here to see the doctor. The B'ham clinic has a maximum birth-weight and Taylor was over it. It's a little weird to drive from B'ham to HSV for a doctor but oh well! For those who don't know, it's usually the other way around...B'ham is the place to go.

Posted by Elizabeth at 10:59 AM

July 08, 2003

6 months indeed

It has been a fast 6 months. I just took a minute to compare some of her more recent pictures with her pictures from the beginning and it's quite a remarkable change. She's just about doubled her birth weight, her little round face isn't quite so round anymore, and that huge bouncey seat we had her in when we brought her home just seems awfully small now ...

Posted by Brian at 11:45 AM

6 months old???

Our little miracle baby is 6 months old today!!! :) :) :) :)
We are finding it a little hard to believe that, 6 months ago today, we had been at the hospital for about 5 hours already and had 8 more hours to go until she would actually arrive and begin to show us how much of a miracle she really is and we would learn how wonderful the doctors and nurses are at Crestwood and Huntsville Hospital.

Posted by Elizabeth at 07:17 AM

July 06, 2003

I want the spoon!

It's been a busy 4th weekend, cleaning up the house and getting ready to put it on the market, so we haven't had much time for updates. Taylor has been a busy beaver, perfecting her rolling over technique. She's a pinwheel, rolling from back to tummy, then continuing over to her back. She's also starting to hold herself up with her hands when on her tummy. She is ready to start crawling just any time now, much to our delight and dismay (I will miss the days when I can set her down, and she stays there).

Taylor decided she enjoys this whole eating solid foods routine that she wanted to do it herself. "I see Mommy and Daddy work this spoon thing all the time, how hard can it be?" Well, she's starting to get the hang of it.

Posted by Brian at 07:51 PM