September 24, 2003
Big bathtub
Taylor has ditched her rubber ducky tub in favor of The Big Tub! Much like the swimming pool, Taylor loves to splash in the big tub. In other news, we're expecting a big growth spurt any time now - Taylor has started eating more. And more. And more. We're up to solids 3 times a day now, including a jar of vegetables at each meal, plus several bottles.
September 21, 2003
Grandparent visit
Grandma and Grandpa braved the stairs to the apartment and came to visit this weekend. Of course, Taylor was at her cutest. Here are pictures from lounging around the apartment Saturday. Of special note is the rocking chair - it was the chair Elizabeth was rocked in as a baby.
September 18, 2003
Taylor Update
Well, there are several Taylor stories to include. She's currently in a Mother's Day Out program twice a week and is enjoying that (of course, they love her). We went to Atlanta this past weekend for the Babies R Us baby fair and had a good time visiting with godparents, Ja & Christy. While there, Taylor had her first taste of cotton candy (a little itty bitty bit!) - she liked it and probably would've gladly taken another taste. She also had her first taste of ice cream. Daddy offered his to her, she stuck her mouth on it and got the most godawful look on her face. I didn't understand why she wouldn't like it until I heard what flavor it was. Unbeknownst to me, he had gotten rum flavored ice cream. No wonder she didn't like it! (disclaimer: There was NO actual rum in the ice cream)
She has also discovered an annoying property of glass. She figured out how to open the glass doors of the entertainment center. She opened it and was playing with it and then decided to try to get her toys which were on the other side of the glass. She got really really mad when she couldn't just reach through and get them. :)
And, last but not least, she's teething like crazy. She has two bottom teeth already in. As of this past week, she has two top teeth coming in at the same time. She had a rough night Tuesday night and on Wednesday we noticed two little white tips showing. Oddly enough, it's not the middle teeth. It's the ones on either side. We think the middle ones will come shortly - especially if she takes after her dad (all 4 of his top ones came in at once).
I think that's it so far! We're settling in and she's having fun crawling all over the place and getting mad at me when I won't let her go where she wants to (under the desk after computer wires...I don't think so!)
A new pepperhead
Taylor got her first taste of salsa at a local Mexican restaurant last night. It was a fairly bland salsa, with a hint of spice, but she loved it. She went after my finger looking for more. The McAlister family has a strong tradition of pepperheads, and combined with her maternal grandmother's Texas origins, you know this girl had to come out with a love of all things spicy.
In other news, Tuesday night was a very difficult night. Taylor is cutting at least 3 top teeth at the same time. She woke up every hour or so crying from teething pain. Wednesday night, and she's back to sleeping through the night with no trouble.
September 10, 2003
Taylor & her new favorite toy
Taylor got to see her aunt, uncle, and two more cousins a couple weekends ago. These are some pictures of Taylor I took last night while she was playing with the bear and fighting off sleep. By the way, sleep won.
September 09, 2003
September Update
Sorry it's been so long since the last update. We're settling into our new home. Taylor has adjusted quite nicely. We got a little worried when, after a few late night bottles, she woke up twice the first night she didn't get that late night bottle. False alarm, she started sleeping through the night again after that. Here's a few pictures of her in her crib - this is the 3rd generation to teeth on it. :) One more side note: We lowered the mattress when we set it back up. It looks like we'll need to lower it again soon. She's started trying to pull up on it.
She also has decided she likes the playpen. It seemed to taste really good.