June 14, 2004
Yes MA'AM!
Okay, so last night, Brian was on the floor tickling Taylor and she was laughing so wonderfully. I couldn't help myself. I got down on the floor with them and helped Brian tickle her. After we let her up, Brian decided to show her how to tickle mommy - I was laughing and slapping his hand and telling him to stop. Taylor stopped and looked at us and just lit into us! The only word we could really understand was "stop" and, from the look on her face and the tone of her voice we knew.. we knew we had just been lectured like we've never been lectured before and it was all from our 17 month old daughter. Oh yeah, she didn't really like it when we started laughing at her either so we actually got several lectures from her before we regained control and convinced her that we would behave.
She didn't cry or anything when we were laughing. It just seemed to make her lecture more intensely which, of course, made us laugh harder. It was a rough several minutes.
June 07, 2004
More Meanderings
She's getting yet more teeth and I keep meaning to go look up when she's suppose to be getting all these teeth so we have an idea of when to suspect them. For the longest time, on top & bottom, she's had the four front, then a gap, then molars. Well, those gaps are filling in. I saw one on the bottom right when she cried because I wouldn't let her put her oatmeal bowl on her head. I saw the TWO top ones when she cried this past weekend because her daddy wouldn't let her chew on his cell phone antenna. I think I'll try tonight to see if the bottom left one's filling in.
Other fun things - she has started giving kisses FINALLY! And most times she'll do it on demand.
We really did have a wonderful time this past weekend and enjoyed seeing the two young cousins together. It was also really neat to be able to look at almost 2 year old Ariel and see what to expect for Taylor in the next 6 months.
AND! My baby girly is going to be 17 months old tomorrow! To celebrate, mama & daughter are going shopping on Saturday for PJ's and shoes. Okay, so we would do that anyway but, as most of you know, I'll use whatever excuse I can to buy her stuff!
I feel bad because I figured out why her dress shoes seem so tight and difficult to get on. I kept wondering why they were so difficult while her other shoes are fine. Well, her dress shoes are size 4 and her others are size 5's. Duh - no wonder they're tight! It's amazing Taylor hasn't been screaming at me for it. As for PJ's, I'm looking for lighter weight stuff than the sleepers we have. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to get them at Walmart - I have to get her 2T or 24 mth b/c 18 mth is too small for her. Why not Walmart? Well, either they don't carry 24 mth PJ's or every kid out there is currently wearing Taylor's size and they all shop at Walmart. So, shucks, mama has to go shopping elsewhere ;)
That's all the rambling for now. I'll try to remember to post how our shopping adventure goes.
First haircut
We didn't lose too much hair, but Taylor had her first haircut on Saturday. Long-time family friend Walter trimmed the ends and evened things up a bit. Kind of hard to tell, but it definitely looks neater.
The "Before" shot
The "After" shot
Taylor and Ariel
Just got back from spending the weekend in Huntsville, and as a special treat, cousin Ariel got to spend the weekend with us. After a warming-up period Saturday, the two of them were all buddy-buddy. Here are a few shots of the inseparable duo.
A note about this box - when I was about this size, maybe a little smaller, my parents were getting ready for a weekend camping trip when they realized I needed somewhere to sleep. Dad ran to the garage, and with a mattress, some panelboard and a roll of duct tape, whipped together this box for the weekend. Just one weekend, and he'd make something more substantial later. Nearly 30 years, countless weekend trips and at least 6 different occupants later, "The Box" is still intact and serving up good nights of sleep to anyone who will fit.
June 06, 2004
Taylor and Grandpa
A few more pictures from the weekend - Grandpa pushing a very sleepy Taylor in the swing, and Grandpa trying to teach Taylor to drive.
"No Grandpa, I want to work the door"