August 23, 2004

A cute one I forgot!

Saturday morning, Taylor was in bed with us for a little bit and start pushing her way down to get off the bed. She was fussing as she reached the bottom and I said, "Taylor, what do you want?" She left the room and went into the living room/kitchen area, came back into our room and threw something on the bed. I leaned up to see what it was (didn't have my glasses on) and started laughing. It was her bib.

Needless to say, I got up and fixed her breakfast.

Posted by Elizabeth at 11:40 AM

Weekend and a couple cute things

Yesterday was fun - she was digging things out of her top dresser drawer like a bottle holder, baby hats, mesh stroller cover.. She'd put the hats on and walk around patting her head and saying, "Hat!" (Brian has pictures coming, I think).

This morning while Taylor was eating, I sneezed. She said, "dess you" :) :) Brian tried to get her to do it again by faking a sneeze. She giggled and copied him instead.

This weekend was exciting. We had to take her to the doctor Friday because of fever. They gave her a 24 hr antibiotic shot and told us to go to the After Hours clinic on Saturday. Brian got her home and put her to bed. She slept from about 4 pm until 6:30 the next morning. Saturday, she enjoyed the toys in the lobby of the clinic and that was about all the fun she had. They heard her wheezing and decided to give her a breathing treatment (translation: they make us hold her down and hold a mask against her face). Roughly 15 minutes of her screaming. Then, oh joy! X-rays! More holding her down while she screamed. X-rays looked fine, by the way - no pneumonia. She ate a good lunch. She went down for a nap kind of late and ended up sleeping, again, from about 4pm until about 6 am. We kept her home Sunday - she had a good day of playing, no fever, good appetite, long nap, ate dinner well, was very ready for bath. We had difficulty getting her to sleep, though. Everytime she'd start to doze off, she'd start clapping and talking. I ended up rocking her until she finally went to sleep.

And, as of this morning, she's pretty much back to normal! It's just amazing to us how many new words she comes up with and how much she's learning, seemingly overnight. Yep, baby girly growing up! Entirely too fast...

Posted by Elizabeth at 08:12 AM

August 17, 2004

Family reunion

One more post, courtesy of Grandpa. Pictures of Taylor playing on the staircase at the '04 McAlister family reunion.

Posted by Brian at 07:19 PM

Clear the sidewalks, here comes Taylor

Lots of posts today, brace yourself:

We start with Sunday afternoon, with Taylor and neighbor Hannah (2½) riding tricycles n the parking lot. Taylor did pretty well for her first time, even pedaling a little on her own. She mastered the bell very quickly.

Posted by Brian at 07:13 PM

Big helper

Taylor's teachers at school tell us stories of how big a helper she in - putting toys away, wiping the table after snack time, et al. Taylor has decided to pitch in at home as well, as she tackles the chore of sorting laundry.

Posted by Brian at 07:10 PM

Hangin' out

A couple pictures of Taylor from Saturday morning. She was so cute with her little legs hanging out of the crib, and oh the bedhead!

Enjoy these, as they may be the last of the crib pictures. Saturday night Taylor rejected the crib, and wouldn't settle down until she was lying on the "Big Bed." She has spent every night in the guest bed (guess we should now call it HER bed) since then.

Posted by Brian at 07:09 PM


We can put on our own shoes! Well, sort of ...

Hey, she's getting the hang of it!

Posted by Brian at 07:03 PM

Doing our part to protect the Internet

Ever wonder why we don't update the site as often as you'd like? This news article might explain.

Internet Collapses Under Sheer Weight of Baby Pictures

Tongue-in-cheek Internet newspapers aside, we'll have more pictures to post very soon.

Posted by Brian at 09:01 AM

August 11, 2004

My big girl!

Okay, I am so not ready for this. While holding mommy's hand and grabbing onto the railing, she was able to walk downstairs this morning.. all the way down from the 3rd floor. I had to gently nudge her toward my car but when we got there, she tried to open her door. I have to open my door then unlock all the doors. Before I could hit the unlock button, she'd climbed in the front seat and was trying to climb into her carseat from between the front seats. She's done this in her daddy's car. She got a little help because there wasn't a very good foothold for her to get into the seat from the front.

When we got to daycare, I asked her if she could climb out on her own. It took some doing but she made it! She stood up on the seat and held her arms out for me to pick her up and then she helped me close the door. Let me tell you, she was QUITE proud of herself for that one!

Oh! Oh! Oh! She put her own shoes on last night. Never mind that they were on the wrong feet.. we don't care at this point, she put them on herself! They were on the loveseat, she picked them up and dropped them on the floor and stepped into them. :)

I think that's all the fun for now!

Posted by Elizabeth at 08:11 AM

August 08, 2004

Uh huh, Uh uh and discussion of a sibling

Brian & I are almost constantly picking on each other about whether or not to have another baby (Not anytime soon, folks. That's the one thing we agree on!). Knowing that Taylor's favorite word the last couple of weeks has been "uh uh" (as in, no) I asked, "Taylor, do you want to be an only child?" And just as pretty as you please, she nods her head and says, "Uh huh". We rolled laughing and hugged on her. Then, just to clarify things, Brian asks, "Taylor, do you want a baby brother or sister?" and she says, "Uh uh" which adds tears to our laughter. She wanders off playing and I decided to try to prove to him that she really doesn't know that "uh uh" is no and "uh huh" is yes. I asked her again if she wanted to be an only child. She decides to ignore me so I repeat the question, repeatedly. Finally, Brian says, "Taylor, tell mommy to hush." And she says, "hush" That was the end of the discussion... for now. Oh, and it's the last time I'm going to ask Taylor.

For the record, we are not encouraging "uh uh" and "uh huh" - we've been saying, "yes" and "no" and will be correcting her on it. :P

Posted by Elizabeth at 07:22 PM

August 01, 2004

Sleepy time with Grandpa

Grandpa got to read to Taylor Friday night as part of bedtime ritual. As you can see, he's real good at it. Maybe just a little too good.

We had a good weekend in Huntsville, and at the McAlister family reunion in Tennessee. Taylor spent a lot of time playing with a little girl born the day before she was. Taylor liked her new playmate, but she has a quirky way of showing it. Taylor walked up to the girl, stooped over so she could look the other girl in the eyes, then gently stepped on her toe. The two of them then ran off to play together.

I'll never understand women.

Posted by Brian at 07:20 PM