April 22, 2005


We got a call this past Saturday that the previous owners were out and that we could feel free to move in anytime. So we went on over to check it out. We were surprised at how much cleaning had to be done and were wondering if we were going to have to postpone movers. With lots and LOTS of help from my parents, the house AND apartment are cleaned. Carpet cleaners and cable guy came Monday, Movers came Tuesday. I'm not sure what all happened Wednesday because I had to go to work and left Brian and both our parents here to unpack. Shelves got lined, baking soda (or something that looks like it) kept being found and vacuumed up, and some things got unpacked. Thursday, because there wasn't room in the truck Tuesday for the stuff in storage, the movers came back and moved that stuff. Today, my folks headed home and Brian & I are kind of taking it easy. Oh, a plumber came today (took out a leaky disposal).

Oh yeah, in and amongst all this, Brian's car overheated - he and his dad fixed it on Wednesday. Yesterday, I noticed my a/c not cooling as quickly and noticed it not cooling when I stopped at stoplights and also noticed my engine temp going up. Since I've had this happen to me 2-3 times in the last 5 years, I know it means it's time to take it to the shop before I have to call AAA to take it for me.

On the upside - Taylor is handling this VERY well. She's loving the new daycare and hasn't cried once at drop off. She has even gone tee-tee in the potty at school at least three times this past week (including this morning when I dropped her off)!

It has been truly wonderful to watch her run through the house, jumping, and screaming at the top of her lungs and we didn't have to tell her to hush or stop or anything!

OK, time to take my car to the shop - I'll post more later. So far, house is great and we love it!

Posted by Elizabeth at 03:42 PM

April 14, 2005

Washing hands

Taylor loves to wash hands. Soap and all. Here we are, just home from school, stretching up on her tip toes so she can reach the water.

In other growth-spurt news, we discovered this evening that Taylor can no longer run under the counter to hide in her hiding place without ducking. We think she grew a couple inches overnight.

Posted by Brian at 06:49 PM

April 12, 2005

Taylor stories

In preparation for the move, we're cleaning out closets! Brian went through his Sunday night. After Brian had given Taylor her bath, I came in to watch her play (ah the life of the injured!) and he went to clean out his closet. Whenever he found a shirt that still fit, he'd put it on and come get my opinion and look in the mirror. This one particular shirt... I said, "That looks geeky." He says, "I AM a geek." I said my opinion again and thought, "even for a geek." :) As Brian left the room, Taylor said, "Daddy. Geeky!" It took me several minutes to quit laughing.

Next story!

We sometimes watch Iron Chef America on Food Network. It's pretty neat to see the "secret ingredient" (we always pray it isn't something live... we saw trout once and it was disturbing). Anyway, the chairman of the show, shows the two chefs the secret ingredient (they have an hour to fix 5 dishes using it) and then chops his hand down and says, "Allez cuisine!" (rough for "Go cook!). Taylor now will attempt to copy him - it's so cute to see a 2 yr old chop her hand down (sort of) and say, "Allez cuisine!" (again, sort of). :)

Posted by Elizabeth at 09:59 AM

April 11, 2005

The final countdown

*Insert your favorite Europe synthesizer riff here*

As you can see from the countdown clock to your left, we're about to gain possession of the house we recently purchased. That means for the next two weeks or so we might be a little busy. Just a bit. So with this slight increase in our household workload, we might have to slack off on posting pictures. So once we get the cable modem installed in the new house (and find the camera) we'll be back to our semi-regular postings once again.

Taylor's finger update - for those we haven't told, Taylor got her finger slammed in a door at daycare last Friday. After an all-night trip to the after hours children's clinic, they proclaimed her finger not broken, thankfully. Her finger is still swollen and red and bruised, but the color is getting better. It doesn't hurt her much, if at all. She is back to her hyper non-stop reckless-abandon ways once again.

Elizabeth's ankle update - After a week of being lazy, sitting around in her recliner watching me work, I'm finally on to her scam, and am making her do all the work once again. Ouch, quit hitting me!

She is getting better, about to lose the splints she has been wearing for a week, and hopefully well on her way to a complete healing. Last week wasn't one of my all-time favorite weeks. I'm glad it's over. Bring on the house!

Posted by Brian at 08:46 PM

Sacked out little girl

When you play as hard as Taylor does, you crash just as hard. The first two pictures are after coming home from school on Pajama Day. She crashed on the couch immediately after walking in the door, and slept all night.

Another night, another crash. Elizabeth, feel free to elaborate here.
Elizabeth elaborating: Saturday (with still splinted ankles!) I had Taylor all to myself. For the record, ankles were okay bathtime was interesting, though. She wanted to lie down on her couch. She usually pulls it open but this particular night she didn't want to. She even got mad when I tried to. She laid down like you see her, I put her blanket over her and she crashed.

Posted by Brian at 08:41 PM

The little Momma

Taylor is taking more and more interest in her baby dolls. They get "stinky" and get diaper changes. They have to go to bed. They get spanked. And they eat, too. Here, this still-unnamed little girl is buckled into her high chair. Taylor is very good with the buckles.

Posted by Brian at 08:40 PM

Pretty dress

Ain't she cute?

This dress is actually a 4T ... and yes, she's still 2. At this rate I'll be buying her senior prom dresses for her 6th grade dances.

No, she's still not allowed to date until she turns 35. Maybe.

Posted by Brian at 08:39 PM

Playing with the Huntsville cousins

A couple weekends ago, we piled in Mimi and Papa's car for a weekend trip to Huntsville. Wouldn't be a trip to Huntsville without Taylor getting playtime with her cousins.

This picture was taken at the end of the new world record for amount of time 3 small children stayed still. New world record: 1.817 seconds.

Amy and Taylor hog the recliner to themselves

Ariel poses by herself. That sure is one tasty thumb.

Abby joins the fray, with Amy and Taylor.

Abby, Amy and Taylor laugh at something across the room.

Sigh, yes, it's more Mikey pics. This kid is growing up in a hurry.

"Mommy & Daddy, can I have a blog of my own yet?"

Another couple inches and he will be ready for that NBA career. As long as he didn't inherit his father's and uncle's athleticism.

Posted by Brian at 08:39 PM

April 05, 2005

Into every life, a little fall must reign

This morning, Elizabeth was carrying Taylor down the 4 flights of stairs to the car. On the next-to-last flight, she stepped wrong, and fell down the remaining 4 steps. I came home and took her to the doctor - nothing broken, just two moderate-grade ankle sprains.

Taylor was fine in the fall - just a bruise on her knee - but was pretty rattled by the whole ordeal. Mommy isn't supposed to get hurt! Once I dropped Elizabeth at the doctor's, I took Taylor to school, where she refused to let me go, and just wanted to snuggle. After repeated reassurings that Mommy would be OK, and I needed to go take care of her, she reluctantly let me go. I'm looking forward to picking her up in a few hours. She and Mommy need some snuggle time as well.

I did tell Elizabeth at the doctor's that this was a nasty trick to get her out of packing up the apartment.

Posted by Brian at 02:36 PM

April 04, 2005

It's official!!

I can't believe I beat Brian to it! But then again we've already called our parents so who else looks at this blog? I know others do so, you others, don't email and fuss at me, alright? ;)

Our new house
As of this morning, we are officially homeowners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We said we weren't going to get truly excited until we had keys in our hands. Well, when Cynthia (our awesome realtor) was about to put the keys back in the little lockbox, the seller said, "Oh, just give those to them." So we have keys!!

They tried to sell us a beautiful roll top desk. Unfortunately we really didn't have anywhere we felt could put it. They gave us a couch (he didn't feel like moving it... I can certainly relate to that since we gave a bunch of stuff away on our last move for the same reason!) and they were really sweet and are leaving two little chairs and a table out on the back patio for Taylor.

Anyway, that's it. We're homeowners! Still planning on moving the week of the 18th though they're going to try to get out sooner (they closed on their new house after our closing).

Wahooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Posted by Elizabeth at 01:30 PM