July 26, 2005
Potty training breakthrough??
Maybe sorta, but it really would be if she'd do this more consistently. We went up to Huntsville this past weekend and at breakfast Taylor looked at me very seriously, held her finger up and said, "I be right back." (emphasis on "right back") She got down from her chair and headed toward the bathroom. I asked if she needed help and she said, "No mama. I right back." She got her step in front of the toilet, had her pullup and shorts pulled down and had the seat on the potty when she asked for help. She had the seat on backward. Oh, and after I put the seat on properly she told me to go away.
But she recognized she needed to use the bathroom then got up and did it!!!! She did it one other time as well. I don't really understand... she does great away from home, but almost refuses to go at home. At bedtime she'll sometimes tell us and go, but not often.
Anyway, could be the beginning of a breakthrough. :)
July 19, 2005
In the hamper
Taylor surprised us last week by demonstrating her prowess in climbing into her dirty clothes hamper. The first picture is pretty grainy because I was in a hurry to snap it and didn't give the flash time to charge. The original was pretty dark, so here you go thanks to the magic of photo editing.
July 4th weekend in Georgia
OK photo fans, after the long hiatus, we finally got around to catching up and posting new pictures.
(Happy, Lauren? Now go floss.)
Finally! We got a good picture of all 5 Gohman cousins! We have been trying for this picture for a very long time. So now, to celebrate our success, you have to see the picture 2 more times.
Taylor decided partway through the weekend that she was sick and tired of the camera. Here, she expresses her 2-ishness.
Alyssa brought over some of her old dress-up clothes, and Taylor went to town.
Novelty sunglasses never fail to draw a laugh.
They never fail to draw Daddy and his camera as well.
Taylor is tolerating the princess dress.
Tolerating no more.
This is Taylor's new Princess nightgown. Mimi bought it not because of the princesses, but rather because it was yellow. Taylor loves yellow.
Daddy, it's too early to play with the camera. "Go 'way!"
Us. Also in the middle of Taylor's "I'm sick of the camera" phase.
Leftover June pictures
Here are the leftover June pictures, mostly from the trip to Huntsville and the wading pool/sprinkler fun that ensued.
Big girl brushing her teeth
Finally! Taylor enjoys the pool.
Taylor & Ariel weren't too crazy about the sprinkler. Abby and Amy hogged the sprinkler while the younger girls entertained themselves in the pool. Worked out for everyone.
This is where she tried to put her own shorts on (I do it, mama!). She managed to get both legs in together before asking for help. Of course, we had to take a picture first. (Is this why she revolted against the camera in Georgia? Hmm...)
Michael is getting so big.
Night night Grandpa!
Taylor loves her baby cousin. She is very sweet with him.
After playing in the pool and sprinkler, Taylor and Ariel decided to play in the dirt pile. Taylor apparently played a little harder in it than her cousin did.
Relax, it's mud, not a failed diaper.
These are Taylor's "school" sunglasses - the pair she takes every day. Woe unto us if we happen to forget her glasses.
Grandpa's hat makes a fitting accessory.
July 05, 2005
Taylor's big media debut
Needing a picture for an evening package about kids in nature, I pulled a couple recent pictures of Taylor and sent them to our news producer. She found one she liked and turned it into our evening flag image. Behold!
[Update: The previously-gilted news producer is named Ryann. She is also mommy to the beautiful baby Sarah who debuted here in May. That's Ryann's arm and leg on the left edge of the Sarah picture.
See Ryann, you're more than just a generic news producer.]
Package should be up all night tonight, if you get a chance to see it.
We have plenty of pictures to post from last week and the 4th weekend in Georgia. Now all I need is time to post them.
[Update: July 19: Thanks to a major power outage, this package lasted on the site for about 2 hours. Actually, it was on the site for nearly 2 days; the server just didn't have power for all but 2 hours of that. So Taylor's big media debut will have to wait.]