Month: January 2003

Day 13

At last! At 1:15 pm Monday afternoon, the doctor gave her final approval, and Taylor was released from the hospital! As I write this, Taylor is in her bouncey seat right behind me, fresh off a feeding, and with a nasty case of hiccups. She is a rather quiet baby, at least in comparison with […]

Day 12

As hoped and prayed for, Taylor has done wonderfully off of the oxygen, and she is ready to come home Monday at last. Elizabeth and Brian spent several hours with Taylor Sunday morning, walking her around for the first time, sleeping through her official hospital picture, eating, thanking doctors and nurses, and enjoying one last […]

Day 11

As of early Saturday morning, Taylor is officially off of oxygen support, and doing well on her own. If all continues well through the night and Sunday, we are definitely good to bring her home on Monday. First thing Sunday morning, we will be going to the hospital for Taylor’s official baby picture-taking, and other […]

Day 10

Good news! Taylor is responding well to her reduction of oxygen support, and the doctor said this morning that if she makes it off the oxygen Saturday morning and responds just as well, she should be ready to come home on Monday! We are so excited. Elizabeth is finally over her little cold, and could […]

Day 9

At this evening’s feeding, the nurse said once Taylor can take 40cc in one feeding, they can take her off the IV. Taylor started drinking on a full 60cc bottle, and when all was said and done, 9cc remained. The nurse was quite pleased, and took Taylor off her IV – another big step! We’re […]