Taylor’s glasses (sunglasses)

She’s been doing this for at least a month now and I keep forgetting to post it.

First, a little background info: It has become an every day thing that she MUST have her sunglasses. The first day we had them in the car in the morning I told her they needed to stay in the car. She fussed and fussed and I got to thinking about it. Why couldn’t she take them with her? They might be nice to have while on the playground, after all. I relented and said, “You’re right, honey. Glasses can go with you.” Now there are mornings where, when I’m unbuckling her carseat, she hugs her glasses and tells me (rather matter of factly), “Glasses come with me.” Me: “Yes they do.”

This morning, she’s getting into her carseat and asking for her glasses. I told her they were in her diaper bag and I’d give them to her after she was buckled in (“Okay…….. where my glasses?”). I buckled her in, got in myself, then handed her glasses back to her. She said, “Oh thank you! That’s so sweet!”

And that’s what she’s been doing for at least a month now. Every now and then when we hand her something, she says, “Oh thank you! That’s so sweet!”

And it is so very sweet. 🙂

More on the seriousness of her glasses. She woke up an hour early Thursday morning. My routine is that I’m up at 5 (sometimes 5:30), I’m showered and dressed by 6, go do my Bible study, do whatever else needs to be done, then wake Taylor up at 7. Didn’t get my Bible study done that morning but some of the other stuff *had* to be done (laundry moved to dryer so clothes wouldn’t sour!) I went downstairs into the garage, she watched me from the door and asked, “Where my glasses?” I told her I didn’t know, she said, “Okay” and I didn’t think anything else of it. Then I heard her voice upstairs above me, then heard her running down the stairs back down to the living room. She yells, “They’re in the diaper bag!” and she goes and gets them. She had gone into the bathroom and asked her daddy, who was in the shower, where her glasses were.