July 4th weekend in Georgia

OK photo fans, after the long hiatus, we finally got around to catching up and posting new pictures.

(Happy, Lauren? Now go floss.)

Finally! We got a good picture of all 5 Gohman cousins! We have been trying for this picture for a very long time. So now, to celebrate our success, you have to see the picture 2 more times.

Taylor decided partway through the weekend that she was sick and tired of the camera. Here, she expresses her 2-ishness.

Alyssa brought over some of her old dress-up clothes, and Taylor went to town.

Novelty sunglasses never fail to draw a laugh.

They never fail to draw Daddy and his camera as well.

Taylor is tolerating the princess dress.

Tolerating no more.

This is Taylor’s new Princess nightgown. Mimi bought it not because of the princesses, but rather because it was yellow. Taylor loves yellow.

Daddy, it’s too early to play with the camera. “Go ‘way!”

Us. Also in the middle of Taylor’s “I’m sick of the camera” phase.