Taylor and The Wiggles

Saturday was the long-awaited Wiggles concert. Taylor was so excited, and she had an absolute blast. Grandpa and I took a combination of 200 pictures – don’t worry, for the sake of your Internet connection, I’m not posting all 200.

The set, from the door we entered the arena from. It was pretty dark still; hence the grainy picture texture.

On the floor by our seats. We had a great view.

Sneaking up to the stage for a photo op. Taylor skipped her nap that morning, so she wasn’t quite with it yet. She perked up quickly though.

The playlist, for those Wiggles fans who might see a song they recognize.

We go to a concert, and where do Grandpa and Daddy go? Of course, to take pictures of the sound board.

The Wiggles arrive in the Big Red Car. For the uninitiated, they are Greg (yellow), Anthony (blue), Murray (red) and Jeff (purple). After the concert, Taylor enjoyed riding in Grandma’s Big Red Car.

Other Wiggles character favorites: Henry the Octopus, Captain Feathersword, Dorothy the Dinosaur, and Wags the Dog.

Taylor finds a part of the show absolutely hilarious.

Dancing and singing to the Wags the Dog song. The characters put their hands on their hips and dance along with Wags.

At one point, Taylor finds it more fun running between Mommy and Daddy.

Captain Feathersword’s feather sword explodes in a big puff of glitter.

More running and playing. There was a large open space beside our seats which became a popular dance floor.

A new friend helps Taylor up after she dives to the floor.

The giant inflatable characters proved to be a real challenge to the crew. Anthony and a dancer almost have the giant Murray up …

… until it crashes, sending characters and dancers scattering.

The Wiggles wave bye-bye.

Taylor and Mommy do too.

On the way out, we paused for a family photo shoot. Taylor’s even smiling!

Not five minutes after we got to the car and left the arena, the day’s excitement finally caught up to our little girl.

After lunch and an hour spent running around the playground, Taylor called it a night early. So did the rest of us.