Saturday stories

Couple quick stories from today.

This morning, I asked her if she wanted to lie down and read a book. Thinking I wanted her to read the book, instead of us reading together, she responded, “No, I much practicing, but I can’t do it yet.” So cute. And she is getting the hang of how the reading thing works. She’s recognizing some letters now, and runs her finger along the words of her favorite books when she does “read” them. She is very good at reciting the gist of the stories from her Strawberry Shortcake books.

Also this morning was a first for us – sent her upstairs to use the potty all by herself. She took care of business, flushed, and washed her hands, all by herself. We were quite proud.

Went to the neighborhood playground this afternoon, where we encountered Logan, who just turned two. Taylor and Logan were running towards each other on the sidewalk, and after they passed, Logan turned around and started chasing Taylor. Logan’s parents and I laughed, and his father made some mention of his boy chasing after tall blondes. After several minutes of chasing, Taylor stopped to rest and Logan caught up. He wrapped his arms around her in a big hug and gave her a kiss, catching her completely off guard. The look on her face was priceless: happy, surprised, amused, with a touch of embarassment thrown in.

Once we got home from the playground, she was a little dirty and smelled sweaty. Elizabeth commented on that to Taylor, and she answered back with “I’m dirty. You need to put me in the trashcan.” No, Taylor, dirty kids don’t go in the trashcan, they go in the bathtub. “Oh! Good. I don’t wanna go in the trashcan.”

It was nice to finally have a rain-free weekend to get out and enjoy.