Friends and Strawberry Shortcake

I had this conversation with Taylor on the way to school Wednesday morning:

Taylor: I have two friends, Chloe and Brandon.
Me: Just two friends?
Taylor: Two friends. That’s all.
Me: You know, you can have more than two friends.
Taylor: No you can’t. Two friends.
Me: Yes you can. I have more than two friends.
Taylor: No you don’t. Kenny and Lauren are your friends.

Considering it has been probably about a month since she’s seen Kenny and Lauren, I’m impressed.

New favorite toy – Taylor’s new Strawberry Shortcake house arrived, filled with stuffed characters from all over Strawberryland, and she has spent every waking moment since playing with it. Although, it wasn’t five minutes after we got home yesterday that she asked “Where’s Angel Cake?” Seems the set didn’t come with one of her favorites. She’ll have to make do with one of the other 47 S.S. dolls she has.

Headed to Huntsville this afternoon … for no particular reason at all. … I’m sure the Strawberry Shortcake house will come along for the ride.


  1. Brian I hope you don’t mind but from time to time I like to check your website. Just wanted to tell you that you two have a beautiful daughter.