Skipper saga

According to the vet, her skin is doing exactly what it’s suppose to be doing. The dead skin is falling off. He’s giving us a cream to put on the burns (I forgot to ask about if she’d have a cone to keep her from licking it off!). He wants her to stay on the antibiotics, all other problems (fever, infection) are gone. He’s not giving her her shots yet because, at this point, if he did and she got sick he wouldn’t be able to tell if it was because of the shots or the burns. It’s still too soon to say if the burns are life threatening or not. Vet quote: “At this point it doesn’t appear to be life threatening, but it’s a serious burn and will take time and patience.” (Brian said, “Patience. Our favorite.” I said, “Yeah.”)

The nurse told me about a cat she had found – it wasn’t until they shaved it that they really saw the whole burn mark and it was all over its body. The cat didn’t make it, but she wasn’t eating and had some internal injuries as well. Skipper has a very healthy appetite – she got visibly excited when she saw me come downstairs with her food this morning. I had wrapped her up in a towel to give her her medicine (it’s just easier for me to scoop her up without worrying about touching some open wound!)… I left her wrapped in the towel and put her on a doggy bed the neighbor let us borrow then went to get her food. She saw the food and her head popped up, she looked back and forth between the food and her bowl. I poured it then went to go back inside. I stopped and looked at her, she was stretching her neck as best she could to reach that food. I smiled and said, “Did I wrap you a little too well?” I went back down and loosened a corner, she practically jumped out of the bed (read: moved quickly for her) and started eating.

Other good news is that the vet will go ahead and board her for us this weekend while we’re out of town. When I called last week, I was told that her shots would have to be up to date. I decided to ask again while I was on the phone for her update. I am so relieved – I was not looking forward to hunting down a pet carrier to borrow or having to stop for puppy and 3 yo potty breaks or keeping up with Skipper while in my parents’ unfenced back yard or, worse, in their house. My mom was willing and I thank her for her willingness.

Please keep Skipper in your prayers – prayer works for ALL God’s creatures! 🙂


  1. Hey Skipper, you are in my thoughts and I will send all the happy thoughts and healing energy that I am capable of sending!!!

    Get well soon cute little puppy!!!
    We all love you!!

    Cousin Manda