A couple of these have been awhile back so I’m sorry…
First, about a month ago we went to the zoo. Taylor & daddy are running from me. At one point, Taylor stops and is panting. She says to Brian, “I think I’m very tired.” About that time, I come around the corner. She gasps and says, “There’s mommy! Run!” and takes off again.
Then there’s this dialogue: “Taylor, do you know why we tickle you?” Her:”Because you love me.” She surprised me and did the flipside of that one a few weekends ago. I asked, “Taylor, how do you know we love you?” She answered, “Because you tickle me.”
This one’s ongoing and she’ll do it with both of us. “Taylor, do you love me?” Her: “No.” Tickling ensues, while we’re tickling and she’s laughing, we’ll ask again, “Do you love me?” Amidst giggles, “Yes!” and we stop. Within a few seconds, she’ll say, “No.” and tickling begins again.
Early this week she was a singin’ fool. She kept a running dialogue of what was going on and was singing, well, what was going on. She went downstairs to give daddy night night hugs and he trapped her with his legs. She sang about that and how she’d get out. She was singing about her puppy being a good girl and going to God’s house and most of it was to the tune of Baa, Baa Black Sheep. I finally figured that out when she started singing it then stopped and said, “Let me try that again.” 🙂 I guess it’s paying off to sing practically everything to my child!
And we’ve been saying prayers at bedtime. Thanking God for people and praying for Skipper, closing with “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. Guard me through the starry night and waken me at morning’s light.” (I felt I needed to put the whole thing b/c there’s another version that’s a bit more morbid than I care to hear my child say). She can do the “Now I lay me down to sleep” part but asks me to do the talking to God part. I encouraged her to try and she closed her eyes and said, “Lord, thank you Skipper… twinkle twinkle” then in the fashion of a much older child than my baby, she flipped her hand up, looked at me and said, “See? I can’t do it.”
Couple things this morning. First (and there’ll be a post on this later) is regarding Skipper going bye bye. At first she was upset, then I reminded her of what we’d told her about Skipper being sick and if we couldn’t get her boo-boos better – she eventually said, “Ok.” She asked me, if I bring another puppy home, that it not be sick. She also asked to help pick out a new Skipper. It was sweet.
Second was on the way to school. She insisted on taking some of her plastic kitchen toys in the car (2 forks, knife, spoon). She gave me the knife and spoon and had the 2 forks with her. One was yellow, the other red. On the way to school she informed me that their names were Jayber and Gayber – they were friends and wanted me to be their friend too.
I promise – posts on GA trip and Easter and something else I’m probably forgetting will be coming. Brian went to post Easter pictures when he discovered all the other wonderful pictures that reminded of us of other posts we’d forgotten to make. Considering the roller coaster of the past few weeks, I hope we’ll be forgiven. 🙂