6 Things About Us

So I’m slow at reading blogs. Cousins Paige and Amanda tagged us to do this, so here goes:

1. Brian & I met in Holland. Sort of. Okay, so it was over the internet – in 1994 – on a BBS (Bulletin Board System) called SkyNET that was based in Holland – which is why there was a windmill on his groom’s cake (there was an ASCII drawing of a windmill on the login screen). SkyNET is still around but is, unfortunately, a hacker BBS now. We connected to the internet on a 1200 baud modem and loved getting our screaming fast 2400 baud modems. Windows 3.1 was out, Internet Explorer hadn’t been released yet and Netscape was new. People still used DOS and used “telnetâ€? to travel the internet. His nickname was BPrince (after Prince Edward, known as The Black Prince. He read about him in a Western Civ book in college that has since proved to be incorrect) and mine was Freak of Nature (don’t ask – okay so it was just a nickname a coworker gave me and I liked it!).

2. I miss being a college student because I could get into symphony concerts dirt cheap.

3. I used to color my hair in college. My favorite color was Port O Vin (port wine). In fluorescent lighting it looked purple.

4. I love Food Network. The two weeks I was out after a tonsillectomy, it was all I watched. Much to Brian’s dismay, I’ve yet to actually cook anything I’ve seen on any of the shows.

5. A friend & I learned the sign language alphabet in middle school as part of a book report on Helen Keller. We also learned it worked better than passing notes in class. Oh, and I’ve learned that I need to warn anesthesiologists that I may do sign language while coming out from under anesthesia. It’s happened 2 out of 3 times over the years.

6. On our 2nd meeting, Brian knew I was a keeper. How? Well, during our first meeting we’d talked about piercings and tattoos and all that. I knew he wasn’t crazy about nose rings. For our 2nd meeting, I sported a fake nose ring. He greeted me with a forced smile and “Honey! It’s so good to see you!� and a somewhat weak hug. I couldn’t do it any longer. Still hugging, I said, “It’s fake.� He said, “Oh thank God.� The downside to all this is that, after 12 years, it’s almost impossible for either of us to shock the other.

And a bonus 7th item is that Brian & I are getting nostalgic – we just learned that one of the BBS’s we frequented is still up and running!! ISCA is based at the University of Iowa. There are way fewer people on than we’ve ever seen, but it’s definitely a trip down memory lane. Oh, and you have to use telnet to get to it, so 😛

Opting out of tagging others, mostly because the others we know have tagged us or already been tagged themselves. Friends in the blogroll, feel free to post something like this on your blogs if you want!