Taylor’s Musical Debut!

We’ve been visiting a little Lutheran church around the corner from us and last night was Fajita Dinner night! They were raising money to send one of the members to Uganda so decided fajitas would be the way to go – and they were right! They also had a karaoke “stage” set up. The group they hired was a little concerned b/c they didn’t have a whole great lot of “gospel-y” music, but they were told not to worry about it. I think she went and bought a couple more CDs as a result. 🙂 They had a pretty good selection and the books with the song list had all the usual and funny typos (“Honky Tinkin'” and “Like a Vigrin” were two of our favorites and we can’t forget the plethora of “Your” instead of “You’re”).

At one point, the little kids started coming up to sing. One of them started singing, “Jesus Loves Me” and Taylor asked if she could go – of course, we said yes! She and a couple others stood up there while the girl finished. After that, they all wanted to sing. There was a group version of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” that Taylor led. Then the karaoke lady made them let an adult sing. After that Taylor asked her if she could sing again (who can say no to a child!) and she sang “Twinkle Twinkle” on her own. The one thing we’ll have to do some coaching on, though, is that little rule about not turning your back to the audience. Other than that, it was a stellar performance!

Another bit of fun: a lady made pinatas – 4 of them for 4 different age groups, including the teenagers. Taylor was in line to give it a whack, but alas, it got busted before she got a turn. She may’ve been upset at first, but once the candy started pouring out, all was well in her opinion.