On slow days, it’s fun to peruse your webserver logs and see what combinations of words people are searching search engines with and finding your site.
For example, if you hit your favorite search engine and search for “themcalisters,” chances are we’ll show up pretty high in the list. If you click on that link, our web server will see that you found us by searching on “themcalisters.”
So, eliminating the obvious entries like “themcalisters” and “brian elizabeth and taylor,” I present to you the 10 most popular non-obvious terms people have used to find our site so far in 2006:
Top Search Terms:
1) wiggles cake/wiggles birthday
By far and away the most popular. I imagine these people like her second birthday cake.
2) pinestraw
Probably most people found Grandpa’s pile, but chances are a few also found God’s paper.
3) cylons
Surprisingly, my only Cylon reference is from last year’s Gardendale Christmas parade. Hurry back Battlestar Galactica. I miss you.
4) autoimmune disorders in dogs
I wish them better luck than we had.
5) mcalisters camera
A no-brainer.
6) mouth icing
Sometimes it’s best not to ask why people search for what they search for. This is one of those cases. It seems to be a reference to my favorite Christmas cookie ever.
7) ice age 2 prescreening tickets
That was a fun movie. I highly recommend it to any parent wanting to watch a movie with their preschooler. Especially if it’s free.
8) tweety pictures with happy birthday on them
Recommendation: Find a cake baker who works out of their house. They seem to have the best designs.
9) parade rednecks
Another float in last year’s Christmas parade.
10) email site:themcalisters.net
Haha, someone trying to harvest email addresses off of the site. Best of luck to you.