One other bit of excitement

Our last night there, we go swimming. En route to Tybee on Monday, we bought some noodles from these guys (Taylor picked them… two purple and one green. The purples were mine and hers, the green was daddy’s, and daddy & I had to share ours with each other sometimes).

Brian shows me that you can get them under water (not easily) and sit on them – they’ll hold you up (only if you balance just right, so again, not easily). He keeps falling off – it’s really funny. Finally, he gets out, plops the noodle down and is going to jump on it. I say, “I think Taylor & I will move – I’ve seen too many Funny Home Videos that start this way.”

He jumps, lands square on and comes up. That’s when I notice. His glasses are gone (we’re both blind, we swim with our glasses on – usually remove them to jump in). Oh, did I mention this was at night? And the pool doesn’t have a light in it? Brian is diving, we’re peering into the dark water trying to spot darker spots that might be his glasses. They turn out to be sand and leaves. He starts doing a grid search pattern, Taylor & I move out of the deep end to stay out of the way and not disturb the water.

My internal dialogue, “Okay. I think he got them at Pearle. We can call the Savannah store and maybe they can get in touch with the Birmingham store and we can get some more made. Don’t want to do that, but if we must, we must.”

“But what if they can’t? What if Pearle isn’t where we got them?”

“Okay. Absolute worst case – I *could* drive home if I had to (Brian is not the pleasantest of passengers)… not looking forward to the traffic and Brian’s reactions, but I can do it if I have to.”

Brian gets the idea of asking the front desk if they have some goggles. After much looking she tells me she doesn’t, but she does have a flashlight (Brilliant!). She brings it out and spots the glasses immediately – in a spot that Brian had gone over numerous times. We called it a night after that (it was close to pool closing time anyway).

Fast forward to the trip home. At one point on I-20, there are 3 lanes all heading West. We’re in the left lane. In the middle lane are 3 semis. In the right lane, there are, yep, 3 more semis. We’d been in enough traffic and hairy moments already and both had the same thing on our minds and voiced it after we got past it. Our thoughts were, “If there had been one wrong move on anyone’s part, we were toast.” What was first voiced was, “I’m really glad we found my/your glasses last night.”
