Lyrics from a 3 yo

One thing she does that makes me proud – she’s started making up her own songs. Gee, wonder where she got that from? 🙂

The lyrics I wanted to post are not ones she made up. They’re her understanding of Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. Brian, feel free to correct me if I missed anything on it.

Baa, baa black sheep happy anymore
Yes sir, Yes sir, free bags full
One for my master and one for my dame
CORRECTED: One for my masker and one for my day
One for the little boy who lives down the lane
Baa, baa black sheep happy anymore
Yes sir, Yes sir, free bags full

Sometimes she mixes up that b in bags with an f. We’ve worked with her on that one (as in being sure she knows it’s a b, not an f)


  1. Be glad she doesnt mix F and Sh…my friends lil boy does that and when she tried to say FIT… guess what comes out??

  2. Ahhh the ticking timebomb of children.

    Mine was truck and … well … you know.

    There’s a great toddler-mid-sermond-in-church story there though.

  3. Awwww…

    My Dad still does that to songs and he’s 56. Come to think of it, I still do that to songs.

    Did you ever read the Ramona books? There was a great bit in one about how Ramona thought the words to the Star Spangled Banner included “The Dawnzer Lee Light”, which she figured meant they were talking about a lamp. So one day at home she suggested they turn on the Dawnzer.

    Why do I remember this?

    Maybe you can get Taylor to sing this for us next pie day!

  4. Elizabeth’s brother, Darrell, also had lots of problems with truck. Made for some interesting, embarrassing, funny (and not all at once!) experiences. 🙂

  5. My now 21 yo niece had a problem with sheet… her mom & I were standing in the kitchen talking. We hear a little voice from the direction of the washer/dryer, “S***!” We looked at each other and said, “Lecil?” She came toddling around the corner, held up the sheet and said, “S***!”

    Little ones learning to talk is SO much fun!

  6. Now that I think of it, some of those interesting, embarrassing, funny things were all at once…adds to the fun of the memory I guess. Who knows..

  7. I love reading your blog. Its like a look into my future. My niece use to call pillows “PEEEE-OWS” in a very adorable high pitched voice. Thanks for sharing. We need to arrange a visit very soon, we’d love for Taylor to meet and play with Atticus.