Another hafta share…
I’ve been doing my best to remember to do bedtime prayers with her. She does great at prayers like “God is great, God is good…” and “Now I lay me down to sleep…” but gets a little shy when I try to convince her that praying is just talking to God. So last night I started to say a little thank you for the day prayer and she stopped me – SHE wanted to do it! She closed her eyes, put her hands together and said, “God, thank you for helping me find Sammy, Logan, Emily, and Sarah. Amen.” To which I gave an emphatic “Amen” in response! Those are all friends she’s made at church and it’s been the first place that we’ve been to in 3 years of living in Birmingham where we have been able to make friends and truly feel a part of the family (There was one other but it was 25 miles away (one way) in another community/city! This one’s 5 minutes away and people from our community.) and I just have to agree with Taylor on thanking God for helping us find them.
Is it the church that ate Gar-dan-duh-lay? You know, the one where people can’t look beyond 2 women holding the hands of a small child? You know, beyond those 2 women to their husband and boyfriend??
Nope, that is most definitely NOT the church we’re going to. We actually visited it once. It was funny, I mean, fun. The preacher got all excited talking about being tired of false teaching, false prophesying, false lies… I wrote Brian a note on the bulletin: “false lies” – wouldn’t that be truth?