I was sitting at the dermatologist’s office (I have rosacea, btw. Considering they initially thought it was lupus, I’m fine with rosacea!) and picked up a photography magazine – to look at the pretty pictures while waiting. I happened to read this ad. I don’t know why I wanted to read it, the things it talked about were almost foreign to me. I recognized Zeiss from the short time I worked at an eyeglass lens making place (filing and what not). It’s hard to tell from the picture, but look at the last 3-4 lines.
Do you see it? Huh? Huh? If you can’t read through the blur, here’s what it says – and this is all as they had it in the ad, no typos! (there’s a hint): “Most sizes and types are available. Whether you’re a perfectionist or an ultra-perfetionist, look into Heliopan.”
NOW do you see it? Put on your proof-reading eyes and if you still don’t see it, let me know so I won’t send you anything to proofread for me. “Whether you’re a PERFECTIONIST or an ultra-PERFETIONIST…” They misspelled it!! I pray to God that was intentional. If it wasn’t and I were with Heliopan, I’d fire my ad person for not catching that.
Too funny. At least to a secretary-type. 🙂
FUNNY! I love it, I am glad we are not the only ones who “miss” things!!! (like physical?)
That’s hilarious. Spell check SHOULD have caught that too!! When I worked at Trinity in Huntsville, we put out a bulletin once that said “Trinity Untied Methodist Church. Instead of United… No help from Mr. Spellcheck with that one… Its amazing what the reversal of just 2 little letters can mean and the trouble it can cause. 🙂
And for anyone who actually likes this sort of stuff, I highly recommend the book Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss. This book is actually about punctuation but bad punctuation can be funny too.