It’s a Taylor Story…

I thought I’d mentioned in an earlier post that Taylor likes Taylor Swift, but I can’t find it. Oh well. She does and there’s a song out that she likes and was singing part of the other night. It’s called “Love Story.”

As of right now, the only parts she knows are:
daddy said stay away from Juliet
and I was crying on the staircase begging you please don’t go

you’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess
It’s a love story baby just say yes

Except that she sings, “It’s the last story baby just say yes.” I tried to tell her it’s “LOVE story” and she emphatically denies it, never mind it’s the name of the song. I gave up for a bit then tried again from a different angle, explaining that she’s talking about them being a prince and princess – wouldn’t it make more sense to be love story?

She sighs, gives me a look and says, “Mama. They’re just pretending” and goes back to playing.

I give up. After all, do I *really* want to explain those lyrics to my 6-year old daughter?