December 18th’s Reverb10 prompt was “Try” What do you want to try next year? Is there something you wanted to try in 2010? What happened when you did / didn’t go for it?
I immediately thought of the quote from Yoda in one of the Star Wars movies: “Do or do not… there is no try.” (sidetrack ramble – I actually heard this line in one of my pastor’s sermons, and NOT the movie!)
What did I want to try in 2010 and what happened?
I know we wanted to have another child.
Brian’s concern was finances. Being the keeper of the books, I crunched numbers and said, “Okay. I’m having difficulty with the numbers on paper, but I’m telling you – we’ll be fine” and I got pregnant late December 2009. I remember meeting with our financial adviser and him asking me if we had planned for this pregnancy. “Planned on getting pregnant? Yeah. Financially planned for it? Not so much.” After some help followed by buckling down, we made some progress in the Financial Peace Baby Step realm and then Keith was born. We buckled down some more and figured out that we could afford the additional daycare and the things he needed. We couldn’t afford much else, but I still felt we’d be okay. After his death, we realized that if we were able to buckle down and afford daycare and all the other extras that come with a baby, we have no excuses whatsoever for our debt or any financial issues. Any financial trouble is purely and squarely on us.
My weight was one of my concerns. Because of my weight, I had a pinched nerve in my leg that caused excruciating pain if I stood or walked for too long. Being pregnant and overweight made the doctor watch my blood pressure even closer (it was fine). I don’t know if my weight had anything to do with my gestational diabetes or not, but I’m sure it didn’t help. The diabetes education office gave me an eating plan that was surprisingly easy to follow – I even LOST weight! While pregnant! The plan is easy, the food is good and I love experimenting in the kitchen – again, no excuses whatsoever. Any continued trouble with my weight is purely and squarely on me.
Both of these things are a matter of self-control. Not giving in to temptation. I believe both could be considered a form of gluttony (I’ve said before that it’s my favorite sin). 1 Corinthians 10:13, “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” I need to start looking for those ways out when I’m tempted. And not only look for them, but take them when I see them. I’ll admit it, I’ve seen my way out and completely ignored it. You know you’ve done it too. We’re all human here.
What do I want to try next year?
I want to try to get out of debt. I want to try to lose weight. I want to try to become an “at home” mom (which means trying to find at least some non Mon-Fri / 8-5 type work)
I read that and then think about that Yoda quote. Is it really that simple? Could it possibly be THAT simple? I don’t know, but I’m willing to try. 😉