The flower is from one of the kids at church. It was very sweet of him! I feel a little weird saying this, but I was excited to know that it was being placed. A few of my friends who’ve had recent losses themselves said that they understood. I guess it’s more of us taking joy in taking care of him. We put a good bit of effort and time into designing it and making it as perfect as we could. And it is. It’s gorgeous.
And now I’m looking forward to spring coming so we can start working on the garden. The focal point will be a red bud tree. When I looked that up, I realized that this is the same tree that I looked forward to seeing on my commute to my old workplace – the best part of spending 20+ minutes on a lonely 2-lane road. My plan is to have the angel statue at the base, similar to the picture (it’s a red bud too, by the way). The plan is for some hedges to come out from the corner of the house, the tree in the corner, then more hedges running parallel to the house from there. We’ll walk out of our front door and turn right into our own little secret garden.
I love the headstone, and I can’t wait to see your garden!