At this evening’s feeding, the nurse said once Taylor can take 40cc in one feeding, they can take her off the IV. Taylor started drinking on a full 60cc bottle, and when all was said and done, 9cc remained. The nurse was quite pleased, and took Taylor off her IV – another big step!
We’re still optimistic that we can have her home by Brian’s birthday on the 20th, though that is purely our speculation. Brian also got his first chance to change a poopy diaper, and boy was it a doozie. Brian and the nurse could not stop giggling. It’s amazing to think such a little creature who only feeds on breast milk and formula can put out so much poopy! No, we realize it will not always be “cute” to change these type diapers, but we’ll enjoy it while we can.
Here are a few pictures from this morning’s feeding. They’re a little blurry since Brian was working the camera with one hand and holding Taylor with the other.