Nothing rewards a hard day of raking pinestraw quite like watching your granddaughters destroy it. We took advantage of the cruel, harsh Alabama winter weather on New Year’s Day. OK, so it was really a balmy 72 degrees, and we set records all weekend long for high temperatures. To our Northern friends and family buried in ice and snow: we broke out shorts and T-shirts in your honor. We aren’t mocking you. Really. While the weather is nice this time of year, we just can’t figure out how to make good maple syrup.
Less ramble, more picture.
Taylor is the first to find the pile. Hmm. It’s prickly, and difficult to climb. Not sure I like this.
Well now, Uncle Mike sure seems to like it.
Maybe one day Uncle Mike will realize he doesn’t have the body of a 6-year-old anymore. Those bones are gonna hurt tomorrow.
Let the destruction begin! While Stephanie maintains a safe distance from anything that could harm her new sweater, the other girls dismantle the pile.
Abby and Amy take pinestraw showers, while Taylor and Ariel continue to acclimate to this new sensation.
Now they’re all getting into the action.
This sure is fun!
Taylor watches as Abby and Amy bury themselves in straw.
The younger girls sit on the now-buried older girls.
Whew! All that playing wore Taylor out. Time for a rest.