Just this past week she has started saying, “Love you!” when we say it to her. It’s so sweet! “Nighnigh, wuvoo!” and a blown kiss… *sigh* The little things in life. 🙂
Another fairly recent development is that she has started saying, “You’re welcome” in response to “Thank you.”
And, at least for now, we still find it amusing to hear, “No no daddy, stop! [something we can’t make out] Sit!” While she’s saying this she’s shaking her finger at us and when she tells us to sit, she points off to the side. I’m sure she’s picked this up from teachers saying it to other kids and not her! (Yeah, right). One of the previously unintelligible phrases turned out to be her version of, “That’s enough of that.” GA niece, Lecil, figured that one out for us. We are all in agreement that, once we figure out the rest of what she’s saying, either we’re in trouble or she is.