Over the weekend

It was an exciting weekend – on Saturday morning we continued the house hunt. Having officially given up on the king of all stubborn house sellers, we met up with our agent Cynthia at Cracker Barrel again to hit the trail. While waiting in the parking lot, Taylor decided it would be fun to stick her fingers up both sides of her nose at the same time. She should know by now to not do things like that while Daddy’s playing with his camera (new really big memory card, ooooo!) I warned her that if she didn’t take her fingers out of her nose I’d take a picture of it and post it to the site. She giggled. I snapped the picture. And here you go.

A grueling morning of unsuccessful house hunting after a week of frustration by the King of Stubborn House Sellers, by Sunday we were pooped. Despite everything else that we really should have done … oh the heck with it, we’re taking a day off.

Finally, after dinner this evening, I was lying on the floor playing tackle dummy to Taylor’s linebacker. She decides it’s my naptime, and covers me up with booster seat trays.

Night night Daddy!

Next, she puts one over my face, and jumps on it. Thank you Elizabeth for your speed with the camera, so the whole world can share my pain of having my nose scraped off my face by the surprisingly sharp plastic tabs on the bottom of this tray.

I hear the hair dryer cutting off, which means little girl is ready for story time and bed. And I have to see about sewing this nose back on my face.