A Few Stories

This one shows how much like her mother this baby girly is… One very distinctive thing I do is sigh. I can sigh. After the move and after Taylor got her kitchen and was playing with it, she was offering us things to drink. She’d hold the cup to the microwave door or to the faucet or anywhere on the kitchen then come back with our drink. At one point, she asked if I wanted more. I said, “May I have some milk, please?” She took my cup, sighed and walked off. My mother & I had a hard time containing our laughter.

Also during the move, my parents drove up in my dad’s truck in case we needed it (we did). At some point in there, Taylor got the pleasure of riding in it (you can disable the passenger air bag and put a carseat in). This past week she was riding somewhere with Brian and started fussing. He finally realized she was saying she wanted to ride in Grandpa’s truck. There was a truck in front of them almost identical to his. The next day, every time she saw a truck she started fussing and wanted desperately to ride in Grandpa’s truck. They’re coming up in the truck on their next visit. 🙂

Tuesday night, Brian learned that it’s probably a bad idea to take her to the playground in the evening. I was on a Mommy’s night out. Brian said they’d finished dinner and he didn’t feel like going home just yet, plus Taylor was still wired so he took her to the playground. She’s having a grand ol’ time until he tells her it’s time to go and apparently also mentioned bath (which she normally loves, for the record). She started screaming and would not stop! Two moms looked at him with a look of concern. He said, “I said, ‘bath'” and she started screaming again. They laughed. It was the occasional odd night where she screams at bath… and don’t you DARE put ANYTHING in the tub with her. If she can reach it, she’ll throw it out. If she can’t reach it, she’ll kick and scream at it until you take it out. Even if it’s the wash cloth – DON’T DO IT! She eventually went to sleep and we suspect a combination of mad about having to leave the playground, being sleepy, and teething.

Potty training is going alright. Last Saturday she went all the way to 3 in the afternoon in the same pull-up! No it wasn’t because I didn’t change her. It was because she did such a great job telling us when she needed to go! *sigh* One little tidbit that she’ll probably hate me for when she’s older… she’ll sit on the potty then look up at me (or her daddy) and say, “Here comes all my teetee!” *giggle* I love it…