Taylor stories

She’s learning to say grace… “God is great, God is good. Let us thank Him for da food…” The last half is typical 2-yr old “speak” and then a firm AMEN.

Don’t recall if I’ve posted this before or not, but she is definitely her daddy’s daughter in the mornings. Brian is not always the most cheerful person when he’s waking up. He’s also a little resistant to being woken up. One day last week, I was trying to get Taylor up and she’d whine, “No mama! I seepy now!” I’d tickle her some.. Brian came and joined in. She’s laughing and wide open with the tickling. Then he started pulling her out of bed by her legs. The whole time she’s screaming, “No daddy! I seepy now! I seepy now, Daddy!”

She sings… she loves singing. I like to think it’s because I sing to her a lot and that she was exposed to it even before she was born. She’s recently started putting different words to tunes she knows. Brian was laying in bed with her one morning and she was singing to the tune of “Are you sleeping”: “Where is mommy? Where is mommy?” then I walked in and she sang, “There she is. There she is.” using the last part of the Are You Sleeping tune.

This past weekend we went to one of our favorite restaurants and she went teetee in the potty! She’s actually really good about that when we’re out. It’s when we’re home that we have the problem. Anyway, we got back to the table, the waiter came and said hi to her and she smiled real big and said, “I teetee in the potty!”

And last but not least, she’s repeating what’s she’s hearing. We’re playing on the floor of her room and Brian & I pretend to be asleep. At first she does the Wiggles thing (1, 2, 3… Wake up daddy mommy!). After a little bit, she says, “I right back” and walks out of the room, closing the door. Brian & I look at each other and start screaming, “I want my Taylor! I want my Taylor!” She comes back in and tells us, “It’s okay. It’s okay” and even pats us on the back and gives us kisses. Then says, “I right outside if need me.” This is exactly what we do at night and probably what her teacher does at school too. I love it.