Awhile back the pediatrician recommended we let her pick her clothes (give her the option to pick between two outfits), so I’ve been holding up two outfits and asking her which she’d like to where: “This one or this one?” Now, this has been going on since she was about 1 year old. Usually she picks one. Other mornings, if she takes too long or we’re running late, I pick one and she lives with it.
Last night, she’s standing on her dresser/changing “table” and I’m getting her ready for bed – she doesn’t want her green night shirt (a shirt that was her daddy’s a looong time ago). She asked for her yellow nightshirt (um, she doesn’t have one). I got her other night shirt and asked her which one she wanted. She ended up taking them both from me then stood there holding each one out in turn and saying, “This one or this one?” “No.” “This one or This one?” (repeat). I was crying I was laughing so hard and at one point I’m kneeling on the floor in front of her dresser/changing “table” – laughing so hard I couldn’t stand up! Still, holding each one out in turn, “This one or this one?” “No.” “This one or this one?”
Of course, I finally got myself under control. She wore the green shirt – fussed when I put it on her and took away the other nightshirt, but she got over it.