Here are the leftover June pictures, mostly from the trip to Huntsville and the wading pool/sprinkler fun that ensued.
Big girl brushing her teeth
Finally! Taylor enjoys the pool.
Taylor & Ariel weren’t too crazy about the sprinkler. Abby and Amy hogged the sprinkler while the younger girls entertained themselves in the pool. Worked out for everyone.
This is where she tried to put her own shorts on (I do it, mama!). She managed to get both legs in together before asking for help. Of course, we had to take a picture first. (Is this why she revolted against the camera in Georgia? Hmm…)
Michael is getting so big.
Night night Grandpa!
Taylor loves her baby cousin. She is very sweet with him.
After playing in the pool and sprinkler, Taylor and Ariel decided to play in the dirt pile. Taylor apparently played a little harder in it than her cousin did.
Relax, it’s mud, not a failed diaper.
These are Taylor’s “school” sunglasses – the pair she takes every day. Woe unto us if we happen to forget her glasses.
Grandpa’s hat makes a fitting accessory.