
Just talked to the doctor… they took some dead skin off the spot on her back (poor girl!!) and to him it appears that the burn has spread. It also appears to be spreading on her paws. They’ll be applying the burn gel to her 3-4 times a day while we’re in GA (and depending on her status when we come home, I may get the pleasure of coming home during the day to continue it).

For anyone wondering about a burn spreading, an earlier post references the vet as saying the burns appeared to be an acid-type burn. I know that with nitric and sulfuric acids… well, you can get a drop on your finger and end up losing your whole hand (if you’re lucky) if you don’t get it treated quickly. We have no idea what she may’ve gotten on her, but I doubt it’s anything like nitric or sulfuric acid… still, acid is acid and the burn can spread. Not to mention the thing about the cat the receptionist found that they weren’t able to see the entire burn mark until they shaved it. She doesn’t know if the doc will shave Skipper or not… I almost wish they would just so we could go ahead and see.

We won’t know anything more until Monday as Skipper will be staying with her darling doctor while we’re off in GA.


  1. You could always ask them to shave her just to make sure there isn’t a burn you don’tknow about because of her fur….Poor pup:( She’s lucky she’s got you guys!!!