Easter pictures

First of all, I throw myself onto the mercy of this kangaroo court for several counts of severe photo negligence. We’ve kept the blog filled with stories, but we know you, the discerning reader, require more than mere text to satiate your thirst for familial updates. I sentence myself to flogging with cat-5 cable, and 2 hours of community service to make the bulk of pictures I’m about to post much more computer-friendly.

So, I’d like to introduce … the ‘more’ link! This clever new device actually hides pictures from you until you click it. For the cost of the slight inconvenience of an extra click or two, this page will load much quicker, and you will not be forced to wait for 100+ photos to load before you start reading.

And, and special surprise for you! If you are one of the first 91,645,922 people to click the ‘more’ link, you win the right to see more pictures! But God help you if you’re visitor number 91,645,923. You don’t want to know what happens to his computer.

Less talking, more picturing.

It’s Easter! Or at least it was a couple weeks ago.


  1. The pictures were worth the wait. And I especially liked the “Oh cwuss word” story. 🙂