Taylor & I went to the Praise Team rehearsal at church last night (they moved the time and now we can go – woohoo!). Anyway, we had a BLAST. There are 2 pianists (self included) and 5 guitarists (including Brian) so it’ll be nice to be able to swap out and all that fun stuff.
Taylor was playing with “the girl in the pink shirt.” (“Honey, her name is Anna.” “Okay.”…. kept referring to her as the girl in the pink shirt anyway). When she wasn’t doing that, she was dancing around the sanctuary with her fingers in her ears.
On the way home, I start singing one of the songs we were working on it – couldn’t help it, I love the song! Taylor told me to quit singing b/c we weren’t at church anymore. I told her that God likes it when we sing to Him whether we’re in church or not. She said, “I need to ask God.” She gets quiet and says, “Um, God… can we sing?” Then she says, “No.” Then loudly, to me, “See? God said no singing.”
Awwww. That’s so cute.
It’s stories like these that fuel that baby fever. Quick, post a gross story!
Funny you should request this. At church tonight, she was outside swinging for over an hour when she complained about needing to throw up (which she does regularly – usually it’s a yawn). To be safe, Elizabeth brought her inside. Good thing, because she really did have to throw up – all over the carpet in the hallway.
When she got home she told me “My throw-up made a sun on the carpet!”
From Elizabeth: And after it happened, she wanted to go back outside and play some more then screamed on the way to the car, while I put her in the car (b/c she wouldn’t get in by herself), and most of the way home because she didn’t want to go home. Still got that baby fever, Lauren? 🙂