Sprinkler time

Making progress. One hot July weekend, we packed up and headed over to the neighborhood pool, only to find it closed thanks to a chemical imbalance. I won’t get into the details of this chemistry experiment-gone-awry, but the water was green, cloudy and yucky.

Poor Taylor was crushed. She had her swimsuit and sunscreen on, and nowhere to swim. Time to bust out the sprinkler. That went over real well, once she got used to it. I’d pinch the hose to shut off the water, until she backed over it, then I’d release the hose and spray her. “Daddy! You splashed my booty!”

All was going great. Then I got stupid. I disconnected the sprinkler, and gave the hose to Taylor.

Check out that evil conniving look! Where did this come from?

Thankfully she spares me, and attacks the fence and sky instead.

My turn to be evil. “Honey, try to stop the water from coming out of the hose.”

Drinking from the hose. Not terribly successful on her first attempt. Lots of blubbering.

But she got the hang of it pretty quickly. Smart kid.

Her mischievous streak returns, and it’s off to chase Daddy again. At this point, I felt it best to abandon the camera in the dry safety of indoors. Rest assured, I got well-soaked after that.


  1. That impish look of hers looks a lot like a similar impish look I can remember from several years ago! Like father, like daughter!