The best birthday present EVER!

So yesterday was my birthday and it was a good one. We had gone to Bento over the weekend (Japanese place that cooks at the table). When we go there again, we’ll probably get Taylor a happy meal, but other than her not eating much, it was very nice!

Tuesday morning. Taylor has to decide if she wants to use her bathroom or ours. She, of course, picks ours. Now, the a/c vent is on the wall beside the toilet so if it comes on while you’re there, you get cold. Taylor has been insisting on a blanket – one lazy morning, I stood in front of it and blocked it. This morning, she asked me to “trap it” and I did. As I stood there, she said, “Thank you mommy. You’re the best mommy ever!”  How’s THAT for an awesome birthday morning? πŸ™‚

That evening, Brian presented me with cards and Taylor’s just made me melt and swell with pride (is it possible to melt and swell? Hm). They’re working on writing letters at school and we’ve been working with her on spelling her name – over the weekend we tackled our names (“mommy” and “daddy”). She can type them and with help, she can apparently write them too! And here’s the proof.

Oh! And when I told Taylor that it was my birthday, she got all excited and asked if she could come to my party and have cupcakes (or pupcakes, as she calls them). On a whim, I decided to stop and buy cupcakes on the way home. They had Cinderella rings on them. πŸ™‚


  1. Happy Belated Birthday!! What a great post!! I didn’t realize your birthday was the day before Atticus’. He is one year today. πŸ™‚ You guys will have to celebrate together. Maybe we can put a candle in your piece of cake this weekend. Can’t wait to see you guys!!