Lots has happened since that Mommy-Daughter night and as soon as I can get Brian to tell me where he put the cable for the camera, we’ll have another “picture dump.”
Halloween – Taylor was the cutest pumpkin EVER! It came with a little tie on hat that we ended up not wearing. I’d tie it, she’d look down, it fell. I tied it again, put clips in her hair, she’d look down, it fell again. Repeat to the point of frustration. She wore her costume to school, of course they had cereal for breakfast (as evidenced by the spilt milk on the front when she got home). It still looked fine for trick or treating. Callie, her mom and her brother came over and Brian & Taylor went out. Oh! When given the choice of the small bag they made at school and the large one I bought last year, Taylor chose….. the small bag! I handed it to her and said, “One day you’ll learn…” Brian took the big bag (dumped the small bag in it when it got full). After about an hour of that, they came back to hit the little girl’s room and head over to Gardendale First Baptist’s Fall Festival (I was going to try to link to it, but their website didn’t have anything up about it). It’s massive. It’s basically a carnival complete with rides and games. Taylor’s favorite was the bumper cars. Granted, by the time they got there, this was the only one they had a chance to ride, but hey, she loved it! Brian was brave and let her drive (he was in the car with her). We’re a little concerned about the fact that everytime she hit someone or something she would laugh maniacally.Â
Meanwhile back at the house, we had LOTS more visitors than the previous year. Brian also hooked up the XM to a stereo – there was a station playing Halloween music. He had it cranked. After they left, I moved the speakers into the little foyer area between the outside door and the main door and turned it down (Kept the outside door open using the pumpkin Taylor got at Pumpkin Patch). I put a sign on the door that said, “Knock – Doorbell’s haunted!” A few kids got in trouble for knocking (???) then I’d hear, “But it said to!” I’d explain to the parents and all was well. I heard one group approach and headed to the door. The kid read the sign and said, “Let’s ring it!” I heard them push the button and I yanked the door open. They jumped. It was my fun for the night. 🙂
Taylor’s dance class is going well – she’s still loving it and doing really well. I’ve discovered I need to get her the next size up on tights. She’s got this nasty “tight line” across her bottom! Anyway, the powers-that-be at the studio are going to try to get the kids a gig at a couple of nursing homes this Christmas season and they’ll be taking part in the Christmas parade!
Oh, and pictures (“school pictures”) will be coming soon – she actually sat for them!! Last year she wouldn’t have done if I hadn’t been there. The year before that, she flat out refused. We see the end result on Nov 16.
And last but not least, Taylor can count to 100! Without help! She’s been doing it with help at the 10’s. She’s say 29, we’d hold up 3 fingers and she’d say “thirty” – and so on. She did it last night like 5 times in a row… each time with less help. Four times with me correcting “Five-ty” – she went downstairs to show her daddy and I heard her say “Fifty” (yay!!!!!). She also shocked us at rehearsal yesterday afternoon. She has a writing book with the alphabet in it and was looking at it and writing the letters on her magnadoodle. Brian was going to get a picture, but she started coloring on it before he could. Sorry folks.
And I think that’s it for now! Just knew we hadn’t blogged in awhile and wanted to update. We’ll work on pictures.