Toastmasters is a non-profit organization helping individuals develop public speaking and leadership skills through practice and feedback since 1924 (Wow! didn’t realize they’d been around that long).
There are workbooks that you go through and give speeches, basically working your way up through the ranks. No instructor. Someone times the speeches and give you warnings for when your time is up (green, yellow, red) and the speeches vary in length (2 min to 10 min). Another person listens for grammar and counts how many times the speaker says things like “uh”, “you know”, etc. And yet another person evaluates the speaker (they’re even timed when giving their evaluation!)
Why am I telling you all this? Because I just joined the Birmingham chapter! I don’t really have a problem speaking in front of people. Yes, I get nervous, but who doesn’t? I mainly wanted to join because I’m a glutton for punishment, I mean, it sounds fun.
I first heard about them in Huntsville, but was unable to join for whatever reason. Since then, I’ve thought about joining on and off, thought about going, thinking it’d be fun if I could, etc. Then last month I was included in an email from the guy who does membership. Meeting place is close to work. It still sounds fun. I’m doing it, by golly! Of course, I didn’t. Then last week, Brian & I were talking about my need to get out and socialize more and I confessed that I think I’ve been doing the typical “mom” thing of putting family ahead of my wants. He was sweet – his first question was, “I haven’t asked you to do that, have I??” No. He hasn’t. It’s just what some moms tend to do. He grabbed his phone and said, “That’s it. You’re going.” then added it to my calendar.
There weren’t very many people there and judging from reactions, it wasn’t normal for them to have that few. They meet weekly, but you don’t have to go every week. They do that to accommodate others’ schedules. They had some prepared speeches and some impromptu to help fill time. One person was asked to lead something called Tabletop discussions (I think). That was fun! At first, I opted out, but after seeing a couple, I changed my mind. She had topics written down on pieces of paper. You pick a topic and talk on it for 2 minutes. Don’t like your topic or know anything about it? You have two options – pick another or BS!
Mine was favorite artist, composer, or poet. I picked composer (go figure!). A couple people chuckled at my reaction to seeing the topic. When I said, “This feels like ‘Whose Line Is It,’ ONE guy laughed. Anyway, I honestly have no idea who my favorite composer is (or that I even have a favorite), but the only one I knew enough about to talk for 2 minutes was Beethoven. I’d done a biography on him in college comparing other biographies to the movie “Immortal Beloved.” (that was a kiss up to the professor I had – he hates those movies and loves picking them them apart). It went well. I went over by a couple of seconds, had 4 “uhs” and no pregnant pauses (supposedly good for a newbie, or they were just being nice 😉 ). I’m definitely looking forward to the next meeting and have it on my calendar even!