UPDATE: Elizabeth says the doctor just made it official — we’re going home today!
ORIGINAL: Taylor made it through the night with no supplemental oxygen. We are currently awaiting the doctor’s final word, but a nurse says the wheels on the discharge machine have been set in motion.
It was a night not without drama, however. After Taylor had fallen asleep, I called the nurse to come hook her back up to the oxygen monitor. It immediately started alarming us. Turns out the sensor on her finger had failed. Replaced it, and all was well.
Then, shortly before midnight, I awoke to the alarm. Jumped out of bed, and it stopped. Her O2 levels looked fine. OK, I must have dreamed it. Nope, there it is again! Not her oxygen, this time, but her heart rate had dropped! This can’t be good.
A nurse came in to check on us, and I explained what was going on. She says, “But it’s alarming at 80 BPM, and that’s normal for her! I’m not sure what’s going on!” Nurse calls a tech in, who says that when these monitors are powered on, they default to “infant mode” settings, and while 80 BPM is perfectly normal for a sleeping grade-schooler, it is dangerously low for an infant. He reset the settings on our monitor, and I went back to bed to reset my own heart rate.
Hope to have another update soon, one that involves us walking out of the hospital.