Taylor helped me with my 750 words tonight. These two stories are the result:
Once upon a time there was a sweet little angel girl. She had lovely blond hair, beautiful eyes. She loved to sing and dance. And talk. Man, could she talk. One day, the girl is walking through the woods and meets an evil witch disguised as a little girl. The evil witch was trying to kill the little girl – we don’t know why, it’s just what evil witches do! The evil witch disguised as a little girl lied to her and said, “My father says that if I don’t sell at least 1 apple, I will be in deep trouble. Will you have one of my apples?” The (actual) little girl said, “Sure! I love apples!” So the evil witch gave her a poisonous apple. The little girl took a bite of the apple, dropped it, and fell to the ground.
Then, someone came hunting and saw the little girl lying on the ground. He picked her up and brought her back to his home and that’s where she stayed for a couple of days. The day she woke up, she started going back home but when she was a couple of miles away from her house, she met the evil witch again. The evil witch tried to kill her again by trying to force her to prick her finger on a spinning wheel. She wouldn’t do it (smart girl that she was). Then she ran all the way home. The end.
My daughter and her husband, Jupiter, and their 63 children (the moons) – she loved Jupiter and loved the moons. Of course, Jupiter was in space and content to just hang out there. She was on Earth. She wanted to see Jupiter and her 63 moon children. One day when she got older, she got to go up into space and see her husband and their 63 children. It was a miracle made by God! The end. 🙂