Amy Kathryn has arrived! 8 pounds, 7 ounces 21 inches long Born 1/29/01 11:28 am
01/29/01 - evening
Just a couple hours after birth, Amy's back in her room, and gets her introduction to a camera flash. Get used to it kid, there's plenty more to come.
Aunt Elizabeth gets her first crack at holding baby Amy
Uncle Brian's turn! Don't tell Liz, but he might actually be enjoying this
Anna, one of our friends from church, gets to hold the baby
Anna's brother Aaron takes his turn as well
Amy's getting real good at this sleeping thing
She's also got this stretching thing mastered pretty well
01/29/01 - 2 hours after birth
These initial pictures were taken through the nursery window, so that's why they're a little dark. Camera flashes and windows just don't mix.
Amy Kathryn, in the nursery, held by her daddy
Amy again, same place, same pose, just 2 hours old
Amy napping in the nursery
Page 1 (02/05/01) | Page 2 (01/30/01)