May 27, 2005
My Big Girl?? I'm not ready!
So her favorite color right now is yellow. She also likes nightshirts. She has a green St. Stephen's shirt that was her daddy's and a Precious Moments nightgown so I decided to get her another one. I didn't like any of the nightgowns I saw so I went into the girl's department to buy a t-shirt that would be big on her. Considering I still buy her clothes in the infant's department I bought a small.
We washed it last night and while folding it I realized something... then I held it up along with one of her 4T shirts and realized something more... IT FIT HER! This shirt that was suppose to be loose and baggy on her fits her! In fact, she's wearing it today.
I am so not ready for my baby to be out of Infant's clothing! *sigh*
May 26, 2005
Wonderful Words to Hear
We went out to eat last night (yes, those are wonderful words but not the ones this post is about!). Brian picked up Taylor from daycare while I stopped at the house to get a sippy cup and we met at the restaurant. They got there before me (ok, so I took a few more minutes and changed into jeans!) and went inside. Taylor saw me coming to the door, ran to meet me, and all but jumped into my arms! She started patting me on the back and yelling, "This is my mommy! Hey! This is my mommy!" I loved it. :)
May 24, 2005
What color is white, anyway?
So I've picked the color of Taylor's room. Kilz has a line of "casual colors" and the one I like is called "My Jolie." It's a super super light purple. While he was watching Taylor at bath, I showed it to Brian and said, "Here's Taylor's room color." He said, "White?" And I explained it was a very light purple. A little bit later, I came back and showed it to Taylor (I had gone back in her room to look at the samples again and make sure it's what I wanted) and asked, "Taylor, do you like your new room color?" She looked up at it and said, "White!"
IT'S NOT WHITE!!!!!!!! :) When you hold it against something white, the purple shows up. It's going to be very very pretty and hopefully I've redeemed myself after my failed attempt at redecorating our master bathroom in Huntsville.
May 21, 2005
Taylor meets commercialism
Our weekend trip to Huntsville had to be canceled this morning when Taylor woke up with a 104-degree fever. It has peaked at 105, in between doses of Motrin and Tylenol, cool washcloths and lukewarm baths. But she's running around a mile a minute playing, despite our best efforts to slow her down. (I just had to take a break from posting this to get her to quit running around the house in a circle)
One moment this morning when we were able to slow her down to watch some TV - a commercial came on for some French Toast Sticks, a former favorite breakfast she hasn't had in a while. She looked at Elizabeth and said "Mommy, please can I have french toast sticks." And you know what? Elizabeth bought her some at the store. Commercialism is alive and well.
Friday was Company Picnic day on Oak Mountain. Taylor played hooky from school and came along for fun and games.
After a slight fit of jealousy, Taylor helps Daddy hold baby Sarah ...
... while 1-year-old Emily waits for her play partner.
Taylor and Emily hit it off immediately.
Emily hugs back.
"I recognize that flashy thing, but that guy behind it is definitely not my daddy."
Believe it or not, Emily tackled Taylor here.
Now it's time to play nice.
Taylor serenades the picnic-goers with another of her original musical numbers.
This song has a guitar accompaniment.
May 19, 2005
This morning, Taylor climbed up into her rocking chair with her favorite book for a quick morning read before heading off on her day.
I need to enjoy this peace and quiet while I can. Elizabeth is out tonight, and Taylor is very sleepy and in an extremely fussy mood this evening. She will get to sleep in late tomorrow - we're all spending the day at a company picnic. Should have some good pictures from there sometime this weekend.
May 18, 2005
Story on Taylor & more info on bedroom pics
And another one that she probably won't like when she gets older. :)
This happened awhile back and I keep forgetting about it. She woke up one morning and, as usual, her nose was stuffy. When she breathed in, it whistled. She got this surprised look on her face and said, "Mommy! Bird!" and breathed in and out through her nose. She had to do it again before I realized she was referring to her nose whistling sounding like a bird.
The pictures of her in her "Sunday dress" were actually taken on picture day at her daycare. I'd put her hair in pigtails the day before - I usually just have the sides up because the back hasn't been long enough to include it. I realized her hair might be long enough for ALL of it to go in pigtails so I tried it for picture day. So, not only are these pictures of her for picture day, they are also pictures showing how all her hair can now go in pigtails. For the record, a ride in a car seat with a 2 yr old moving her head around messes up the back and you have to fix it upon arrival at your destination. Also, there are no school pictures. We're not sure why but Taylor absolutely refused to get her picture made so, sorry, no pictures at this time. *sigh*
Oh! the pictures of her on her bed in her dress with Minnie and her Care Bear! I told her to hold up Minnie and took her picture. I then turned the camera off and she got mad and was saying, "Care bear!" She wanted to pose while holding her Care Bear up too.
May 16, 2005
Bedroom furniture complete
You've seen Taylor's new mattress and bedroom sheets, now it's time to introduce the rest of the bedroom lineup. The nice folks at Rooms To Go delivered the bed and set it up for us as well. Taylor loves her "goo goo bed" (roughly translated to Big Girl Bed) especially with her Wiggles sheets.
In the first three pictures, Taylor is wearing her new nightgown. It's very pretty on her, as you can see. Farther down, she models one of her new Sunday dresses.
Cute pigtails!
May 12, 2005
A Few Stories
This one shows how much like her mother this baby girly is... One very distinctive thing I do is sigh. I can sigh. After the move and after Taylor got her kitchen and was playing with it, she was offering us things to drink. She'd hold the cup to the microwave door or to the faucet or anywhere on the kitchen then come back with our drink. At one point, she asked if I wanted more. I said, "May I have some milk, please?" She took my cup, sighed and walked off. My mother & I had a hard time containing our laughter.
Also during the move, my parents drove up in my dad's truck in case we needed it (we did). At some point in there, Taylor got the pleasure of riding in it (you can disable the passenger air bag and put a carseat in). This past week she was riding somewhere with Brian and started fussing. He finally realized she was saying she wanted to ride in Grandpa's truck. There was a truck in front of them almost identical to his. The next day, every time she saw a truck she started fussing and wanted desperately to ride in Grandpa's truck. They're coming up in the truck on their next visit. :)
Tuesday night, Brian learned that it's probably a bad idea to take her to the playground in the evening. I was on a Mommy's night out. Brian said they'd finished dinner and he didn't feel like going home just yet, plus Taylor was still wired so he took her to the playground. She's having a grand ol' time until he tells her it's time to go and apparently also mentioned bath (which she normally loves, for the record). She started screaming and would not stop! Two moms looked at him with a look of concern. He said, "I said, 'bath'" and she started screaming again. They laughed. It was the occasional odd night where she screams at bath... and don't you DARE put ANYTHING in the tub with her. If she can reach it, she'll throw it out. If she can't reach it, she'll kick and scream at it until you take it out. Even if it's the wash cloth - DON'T DO IT! She eventually went to sleep and we suspect a combination of mad about having to leave the playground, being sleepy, and teething.
Potty training is going alright. Last Saturday she went all the way to 3 in the afternoon in the same pull-up! No it wasn't because I didn't change her. It was because she did such a great job telling us when she needed to go! *sigh* One little tidbit that she'll probably hate me for when she's older... she'll sit on the potty then look up at me (or her daddy) and say, "Here comes all my teetee!" *giggle* I love it...
May 07, 2005
Taylor meets her new bed
Now that we found the camera bag from its taped-up cardboard prison, it's time to get back in the saddle. Here, Taylor sees her new Big Girl mattress for the first time, and quickly discovers how much fun it is to run across the room and dive onto the bed. Covering the bed are the aforementioned Wiggles sheets.
Moving cards
I love the magic of Photoshop.
Picture for moving cards:
Original picture:
If you don't get the reference on this picture, then you must not remember our last moving cards. What a change since August 2003.
May 02, 2005
No self esteem issues here!
I think I've said in earlier posts that, when we tell Taylor we love her, she replies, "I love me!" There's a new little twist to it. Yesterday at the park (which she played in for 3 hours!) I was trying to get her to say, "I love you." I finally said, "I love Taylor." Taylor replied, "I love me, too."
We've gotten her to say, "I love you" a couple of times but more often than not we get, "I love me." ...and it's so cute!
Big Girl Bed & Fun with Potty Training
Okay, so the move to the house and daycare was not a traumatic event after all. My only guess is that Taylor knew where she was suppose to be and is now happy that her parents finally figured it out. While at her other daycare, we tried to start potty training, but at school she would scream anytime they tried to get her to sit on the potty. At her new daycare, she used the potty twice on her 2nd day.
Now for the fun part! Anytime her daddy or I use the potty, she gets this excited look on her face and asks us if we went teetee in the potty. We say yes and she claps and says, "Yay! I proud you!"
Last night, Brian & I celebrated our 6 years of marriage by going out to a local Mexican restaurant as a family. At one point during dinner, Taylor tells us that she needs to go potty so I take her. She's sitting on the potty and I'm holding her (it's a big potty and she's so little!) and a lady in the stall next to us goes tinkle. Taylor gets the excited look on her face, I match it then hold a finger to my mouth (as in "hush"). She, thankfully, says nothing. Then the lady flushes the toilet. Taylor gasps, starts clapping, and yells, "Yay!!!!" No idea what the lady's reaction was as she was gone by the time we got out.
Big Girl Bed!! Yes, Taylor now has her own big girl bed and loves it - especially considering it has her favorite TV characters, The Wiggles, on the sheets. She just looks so little and that twin mattress just looks so big! The bedroom we picked is called Ribbons & Bows and we'll have pictures up soon. It's really really pretty - white wash. It looks great with the brown carpet (surprisingly enough!) and sometime in the next few months I'm planning on painting her room a light light lavender (which also complements the furniture and I believe will look good with the carpet... again, surprisingly enough). When it's done, there will be pictures but be patient with me... I'm not very good at painting and the friends I have locally who can help have busy schedules and kids themselves.