We are not going home today, as previously hoped. Taylor needs to be off of supplemental oxygen for 24 hours, and last night we had to put her back on for a little while while she slept. This, the nurse tells us, is completely normal, and the most difficult part. We’ll try again tonight. Because […]
Author: Brian
It’s been a great day for Taylor. Early afternoon, they took her completely off of supplemental oxygen, and she’s done well. They’re increasing the amount of time between her breathing treatments too. All good news. But tonight comes the real test. Every night so far we’ve had to increase her oxygen. If tonight goes well, […]
We were suspecting as much, but we got the official word thus morning that Taylor did indeed catch the H1N1 flu strain. Our weekend getaway at Camp Children’s has been extended for “a couple more days at least.” The good news is we are past the worst part of it. The nurses are steadily reducing […]
Noon update: Taylor tested positive for Influenza A, which is not in season. This could be H1N1/swine flu which caused the pneumonia, bronchitis, etc. In any case, any flu symptoms have been mild, and she’s over the worst of it. Original post: Taylor is in the hospital with breathing problems. Latest update right now is […]
New cap and scarf, originally uploaded by Brian & Elizabeth McAlister. Taylor models a new cap and scarf she received as a gift from Mimi and Papa — just in time for our first real cold snap of the season. She loves it! And yes, Taylor picked out the colors herself.