Category: Uncategorized

6 months in less than 1000 words

So I haven’t posted in awhile. Six months? Sorry about that. We’ve been doing mostly okay. Mostly good days, able to count time in days. I honestly don’t remember much of the summer. If something crazy exciting happened and I forgot it, um… sorry? For example, Ambien is available in 5-mg and 10-mg immediate-release oral […]

Time Keeps on Slippin’

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted. We’ve been doing pretty well and staying fairly busy. Taylor played softball through Upward Sports and absolutely LOVED it. After some batting practice with daddy, she hit pretty well even! We went with Upward because of their focus on learning the game and having fun. With that in mind, […]

Catching Up

I haven’t posted since the middle of March! Lots has been going on. We got the garden started – those pictures are posted on my facebook. I’ll be a good girl and post them here. Eventually. The “wall” is up – a bunch of nandina coming out from the corner of the house and wrapping […]

How does our garden grow?

To date, our “gardening” has consisted mostly of hacking down things that get out of control and getting lucky with a few “voluntaries“. One such volunteer that I’m particularly thrilled with is this one: Carfilzomib is FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved in the United States for adults with multiple myeloma (a type of cancer). […]